Sunday, March 22, 2009

Compassion, Mercy and Gratitude aka Kindness

Compassion:  This is one of the hardest concepts to teach, but one of the most important.  It can be cultivated through playing in skits, prayer, or through carefully guided imagery.  Take a second and try to feel compassion.  It's a great feeling.  Now ask yourself, why don't I feel like this all the time?

Mercy:  Mercy must be taught by example.  If a child notices that you are angry at them, instead of a draconian punishment, show your class that even though the child has been disrespectful to you, you are not going to be disrespectful to the child.  When you show mercy,  make sure that people know about it sometimes.  That's the best way to teach mercy.

Gratitude:  This is one of those, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink," topics.  You can make a child say thank you, but you can't make them mean it.  Again, acting in skits, prayer and carefully guided imagery can help.  Once again, take a second to feel gratitude...  Now doesn't that feel wonderful.  And you can do it whenever you want and it doesn't cost a dime.



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