Monday, March 23, 2009

Internal vs. External Kindness

Now there are internal and external kindnesses.  For the sake of sociology, external kindness is more important.  For the sake of personal mental health, internal kindness is more important.  But they are both important to say the least, but how does one with good external kindness increase internal kindness and vice versa?

Each one increases the other.  If you practice external kindness, over time internal kindness will increase.  If you practice internal kindness, naturally external kindness will display itself.

That's my advise about internal and external kindness.  Do not be moved by others lack of external kindness and I guarantee that lots of kindness will come your way.  Perhaps not by the same people but eventually.  Hindus call it karma, and I do believe it exists.

Kindness, Peace and Love,


1 comment:

  1. Hi from Australia

    Many of my family are members of the Quakers (Religious Society of Friends). Part of the doctrine of the Quakers is no war, peace activism etc. So I've grown up with that and have an understanding of a lot of the issues.

    On a micro scale too I believe we do have to model peaceful, merciful and respectful behaviour to others, especially children.

    All the best with your ambitions.

